PR No. 23-0091 – Supply & Delivery of Asphalt for Mainline Replacement Program – Phase I (Negotiated Procurement-Two Failed Biddings Sec. 53.1)

  • Description: Supply & Delivery of Asphalt for Mainline Replacement Program – Phase I 
  • Mode of Procurement:  Negotiated Procurement-Two Failed Biddings Sec. 53.1
  • Period of Delivery: 45 calendar days upon receipt of Purchase Order (PO)/Notice to Proceed (NTP)
  • Approved   Budget Cost: P 2,160,000.00
  • Date of Negotiations: October 26, 2023 @ 2:00PM
  • Date of Bid Opening: November 7, 2023 @ 2:00PM
  • PBD: PR No. 23-0091 Revised 6th Edition PBDs_Goods (3rd bidding NP)


Please refer to the link below for the scheduled Meeting (Negotiations):

Negotiations for PR Nos. 22-0115 & 23-0091 under Section 53.1 Two Failed Biddings

Thursday, October 26 · 2:00 – 5:00pm

Time zone: Asia/Manila

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:


Please refer to the link below for the scheduled Meeting (Bid Opening):

Bid Opening for PR Nos. 22-0115 & 23-0091 under Section 53.1 Two Failed Biddings

Tuesday, November 7 · 2:00 – 5:00pm

Time zone: Asia/Manila


Google Meet joining info

Video call link: