18-0144: Supply & Delivery of Flash Drive, External Hard Drive, Memory Card, Internal Hard Drive, USB Keyboard & Continuous Ink Printer for various ZCWD Department/Divisions

  • Description: Supply & Delivery of Flash Drive, External Hard Drive, Memory Card, Internal Hard Drive, USB Keyboard & Continuous Ink Printer for various ZCWD Department/Divisions
  • Mode of Procurement:  Public Bidding
  • Delivery Period: 30 Calendar Days upon receipt of P.O.
  • Approved   Budget Cost:  P  275,367.40
  • Cost of Bid Document: P 500.00
  • Pre-Bid Conference: May 31, 2018 @ 2:00PM
  • Date of Bid Opening: June 14, 2018 @ 2:00PM
  • Bidding Document
  • Specification