18-0083: Supply & Delivery of 7 units Brand New Motorcycles for TOEMD, BGMD, BAC, Cashiering, Legal Dept. & ECD

  • Description:  Supply & Delivery of 7 units Brand New Motorcycles for TOEMD, BGMD, BAC, Cashiering, Legal Dept. & ECD
  • Mode of Procurement:  Public Bidding
  • Delivery Period: 45 Calendar Days from receipt of PO/NTP
  • Approved   Budget Cost:  P 419,000.00
  • Cost of Bid Document: P 500.00
  • Pre-Bid Conference: June 28, 2018 @ 2:00PM
  • Date of Bid Opening: July 10, 2018 @ 2:00PM
  • Bidding Document