20-0011: Supply & Delivery of Various Brass Fittings for use in Newtapping Materials and to be carried in stock for year 2020

  • Description: Supply & Delivery of Various Brass Fittings for use in Newtapping Materials and to be carried in stock for year 2020
  • Mode of Procurement:  Public Bidding
  • Period of Delivery: 45 Calendar Days upon receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP)
  • Approved   Budget Cost: P 4,061,200.00
  • Cost of Bid Document: P 5,000.00
  • Date of Pre-Bid: February 13, 2020 @ 2:00PM
  • Date of Bid Opening: February 27, 2020 @ 2:00PM
  • PBD: PR No. 20-0011